Ramlab is a futuristic company that prints metal with 3d robots. The idea is to save time and costs producing parts for example if a ship is docked or out to sea and cannot navigate further because of a part
Ramlab is a futuristic company that prints metal with 3d robots. The idea is to save time and costs producing parts for example if a ship is docked or out to sea and cannot navigate further because of a part
30.000 Live viewers from around the globe. The live stream report of Winterclash. Most viewed websites with the livestream : Be-Mag , Extremeline.TV, livestream.com 7 Live Cams, 3 without wires Live Replays with slow motions Animated transitions with sponsors Live Interviews Commentators Crew: Jose Saiote – Producer – Broadcast
Extreme Sports and Live streaming with Extremeline.TV Sports is one of my passions and streaming them its even more exciting, not just for the fun but for the complexity of it, it demands a well written script, a huge preparation setup,